Mental Health Resources

Get Help and Stay Well During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Welcome to We Need to Talk, Federation’s Youth Mental Health Initiative. With so much uncertainty due to the Coronavirus, we all need to take care of our mental health. Below you will find resources to help youth, adults, seniors and families get through this very challenging time.

Find out more about other youth mental health related events happening in the community.

Large-scale disasters, whether traumatic, natural or environmental are almost always accompanied by increases in depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and a broad range of other mental and behavioral disorders

Source: JAMA Network

Thank you to our donors and United Way for Southeastern Michigan for their support of We Need to Talk's Mental Heath Awareness Month May 2020 events.

The Youth on The Site

All of the kids featured on the "We Need to Talk" website live in the metro Detroit area. We are extremely grateful for their participation and willingness to share their stories and insights. Many of the teens are also participants in Friendship Circle's UMatter program. We are greatly appreciative for the support and partnership of everyone involved in UMatter. Learn more here.

Do you have a story you’d like to share?

We’re always looking to expand the conversation about youth mental health.
Let us know.